Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Memories Shadow Box

This is a fun way to keep track of how many Christmas Holidays you and your significant other have spent together. I just took a shadow box and decorated the inside using scrapbook paper and embellishments. Then, I placed a photograph of our first Christmas together in the middle of the box, raising the picture up a little with circle pop-up sticky tabs.
I added the date of our first Christmas as well.
I used hot glue to attach ribbon around the sides of the shadow box, complete with a bow and extra embellishments on top.
Finally, I added a bell for each Christmas thus far that we have spent together.
What an easy keepsake to have and display at Christmas each year! I have a bag of silver bells behind the back of the shadow box to make it easy to add each year! I am making one of these for my brother and his new fiancé as well-what a nice gift it will be!

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